Tuesday, June 9, 2009

June 9

In the morning Lyyli, Matt and Christie go for a hike down to the Gran Canyon together with the kitten which travels into the hat of Lyyli's sweater. Matt wants to go all the way down to the bottom of the Canyon but Lyyli and Christie do not really want to go all teh way there, because they think it's pretty boring to just walk down the canyon and they also realize it's gonna be really hard to hike up the way up the canyon on the way back. So they walk down for about 3 miles and then they decide to stop on a little bridge in order to rest and to get some rest as well as to eat something in order to retrieve the forces. They then decide to hike back up, mainly because it is starting to rain and also because it is getting late. Yet, Lyyli does not want to go back through the normal path because she hates hiking and she thinks that it is very boring to just walk the same way up. So they decide to take an alternative route and to just hike straight up regardless of the path. This inevitably involve climbing the way up through a series of rocks which are pretty unstable, as e result of which the almost die a couples of time, but they do nevertheless have a lot of fun doing it.
In the meanwhile, Jeremy and Triet-ly were hanging out at the camp. Jeremy was working on pigpen's engine and kindof managed to convince Triet-ly not to go hiking with the other members of the crew because she obviously shouldnt be using her broken foot. So Jeremy was desperately trying to fix up the carburator of pigpen, even though the carburator was not actually the problem. In fact, at that time Jeremy had no idea about what the real problem could be, and although he successfully fixed the gas leak, he probably made the real problem much worse than he was to start with.
After a few hours of hiking, Lyyli, Christie and Matt come back up and they go shower at the camp site, where they have a set of retarded showers which only allow for a 5 minute shower to be taken for the ridiculous price of $1.50, which can only be paid in coins. As they get back to pigpen, Jeremy and Triet-ly immediately immitate them and they go shower as well in order to get rid of all the grease they had accumulated in the past days.

We take off and start driving down the Gran Canyon, while pigpen starts driving increasingly worse and worse. As we leave the region of the Gran Canyon, we eventually find ourselves driving through this beautiful and desertic landscape, which reminds us of the landscape of the stupid cartoon where the evil coyote runs after the annoying austrich who always does beep-beep. Indeed, we later realize that we were actually driving through Arches National Park, which is in fact the location in which that cartoon is supposed to take place. Lyyli secretely wished that pigpen would just break down there, so that we could hang out in this beautiful settings for a long while. Instead, we decide to stop at some random gas station, in order for pigpen to take a rest and for Jeremy to exercise his mechanic skills in vain. We hang out at the gas station for a while, taking a lot of pictures of the desert and the red rocks formation, while eating a bunch of $1 hotdogs which the kitten gets crazy about. And we keep driving, even though pigpen is still driving like shit and the likelihood to get stuck in the middle of the desert has exponentially increased. And yet, for some unreasonable reason, instead of heading towards the closest town, we actually decide to give pigpen another try and we drive all the way to Flagstaff, where we were ultimately planning to stop.

A very little hill has however to be surpassed before getting into the city of Flagstaff. An extremely difficult task for pigpen who was driving at something like 5 hours a mile and could hardly make it on a flat street. At our complete surprise, we
nonetheless make it all the way to Flagstaff and we park pigpen in the middle of downtown in order to go explore the city. We ask some locals about what to do, and they tell us about a place where we can park the RV overnight so we go and park there.

As we walk randomly around the city in order to desperately find a place to feed ourselves, we end up into this cool thai restaurant, which wasnt really that cool but only attracted our attention due to the fact that it was offering kamikaze for the modest price of $1. So we all go in, including the little kitten who was hiding into Lyyli's hand bag, and we order some random thai food, which was not really tasty at all, but it was nevertheless good enough to calm our terrible hunger. In fact, the only thing that really imported us at the time was that the kamikaze were really cheap. We thus decided to abuse this good opportunity to get drunk and we end up drinking a very large number of kamikaze, which were being ordered by Jeremy at a rate of 6 at a time. Jeremy was also the one in charge of drinking most of them and therefore ended up being very drunk, although most of us were drunk as well, except for Matt who doesnt drink any alcoholic beverages.

After we are done with both the food and the alcohol, we keep walking around in the city in search of something funny to do. So we end up into a bar called MIA, where a lot of dogs were running around and a very cool band playing some very nice kind of music. As Triet-ly was dancing like a crazy human on the dance floor, everyone else was just looking at there, and Lyyli eventually fell asleep on the table. After a while, Jeremy and Christie wake her up and the 3 of them go back to the RV in order to get more beers. On the way back to MIA, however, Jeremy attacks Lyyli with his beer bottle. He basically knocks his beer over the top of her beer bottle in order to have her beer to foam over. As is usually the case, Lyyli over-retaliates. But as she knocks her beer bottle over Jeremy's, she hits it so hard that the bottle breaks up into her hand and a huge piece of glass gets stuck into her thumb which starts bleeding a lot. Lyyli is pretty drunk and she doesnt really realize yet that she is about to feel the strongest pain that she has ever felt in her life, although it's mainly mental pain as opposed to physical pain.

And hence begins the super-glue conflict..
As we get back to
the bar, everyone is completely drunk and tell Lyyli that she should put superglue on her finger, but Lyyli refuses to do so. Yet, everyone insists, especially this drunk lesbian girl who somehow seemed to know what she was talking about. After 2 hours of endless attempts to convince Lyyli to apply the superglue on the thumb, Lyyli eventually gives up on her stubborness and decides to respect the yes-pact. She therefore accepts to use the superglue although, she intrinsically knew that it was an extremely stupid idea. In fact, while Jeremy applies the superglue on her wound, Lyyli couldnt think about anything else but the fact that Jeremy is a fucking shitiot. We then all go back to sleep in the RV, drunk and somewhat happy to be drunk, although we didnt know that the super-glue conflict was very far from being over..

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