Thursday, June 11, 2009

June 11

We wake up and we go get some parts for pigpen at the auto store. Jeremy is convinced that pigpen needs a new carburator and a few other things. So we spend all morning hanging out at the auto part place, once again trying to entertain ourselves while Jeremy tries to take care of the mechanics. Matt tries to help out Jeremy with his limited knowledge of cars, while Lyyli and Christie engage into a more cultural activity, which consists of reading a bunch of books on the ground. Once again, Triet-ly engages into her daily stretching activity, and, once again, she has to deal with the cops which have been called on her by the people next door who complained of the fact that a strange little asian girl with a mohawk was doing strange rituals on their property.

After a few hours of worthless attempts, we decide to go and try to find an actual mechanic because pigpen is still broken and nobody really knows why, and Jeremy finally decided to recognize his own personal little failure. So we start driving extremely slowly through the roads of Flagstaff, desperately trying to find a mechanic before Pigpen would completely break down. This is indeed what happened, as Pigpen decided to die off right in front of Steve’s garage, a nice guy who for some reason seemed very happy about the prospect of working on pigpen. Matt, Lyyli and Christie do not really believe that anything good is gonna happen and therefore decide to leave Jeremy and pigpen alone and go for a walk in the city. Jeremy, conversly, was absolutely convinced that it was the Tao (or pigpen in that case) which had sent him here, and therefore decides to stay there and work on pigpen together with Steve. After only a few minutes, Steve finds out that the actual problem was not the carburator or anything else that Jeremy had tried to fix so far, but only this very small piece of the engine, the joints, which had completely wear off and consequently had to be replaced. After spending more than $300 on useluss pieces of engineering, Jeremy goes and get a new set of joins for a grand total of $16. Steve helps out setting up the whole thing. He finally asks Jeremy to be paid with weed rather than money, probably because pigpen made us look like some Californian hippies, so Jeremy gives him Triet-ly huge reserve of weed.

In the meanwhile, Matt, Lyyli, Christie and Triet-ly went to explore the city. Triet-ly had taken the bike because she couldnt walk any more with her broken ankle, but biking ended up not being that much better since she kept falling down the bike in an average of every 4 minutes. So we slowly go back to the Bagel internet cafe and while Matt gets a delicious red-pesto and cream-cheese bagel, Lyyli, Christie and Triet-ly hang out and check out the Internet. We then decide to go to the thrift store just accross the street from the Bagel shop, while nobody buys anything, except for Lyyli which finally finds a jeans so that she wont have to borrow Christie's anymore, as well as a nice little bag in which she can carry the kitten around. We then realize we are hungry, so we go back to the Bagel shop in order to ask whether they would be willing to give us free bagels, which they reluctantly do, although they really only gave us disgusting and excessively salty pieces of bread rather than actual bagels.

This is when Jeremy join us, together with pigpen who appears to be working very well now. So we immediately head out of Flagstaff towards the new city of Albuquerque. On the road, we found out that Triet-ly had been secretely on mushroms all day, which finally explain her behaviour which was even weirder than usual.

And we suddenly realize that we still havent showered for 3 days now. So on the way out of Flagstaff we decide to stop at the Somona creek, a place which had been described by the locals as the perfect location to take a nice little bath in the wilderness. The water is extremely cold, but Jeremy, Matt and Triet-ly are not so easily impressed. They immediately get naked and jump into the water. They keep swimming in this beautiful natural environment, while Lyyli, Christie and the kitten just hang out on the rocks, a little bit envious but too scared to get into the water, and simply enjoying the show of these 3 crazy naked people reciprocally cleaning themselves in the creek. After this nice little break, we get back on the road and keep driving to Albuquerque. As we are now extremely hungry, we stop at some very big truck stop on the way, in order to get some food. Lyyli and Christie, who were still pretty dirty, decide to try and infiltrate the showers and after using some of their smelly but nonetheless feminine charisma, they successuflly manage to get into the shower for free.

And we go back on the road, clean and happy, ready to keep driving all day and all evening, in order to finally arrive at Albuquerque at 2 am. We call our couchsurfer Chris who is this very nice girl who is house-sitting an amazingly cool house and we all sleep on the ground because we are not used to sleep into a bed anymore, except for Christie who was just so happy to finally get a bed.

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