Friday, June 5, 2009

June 5

Waking up was a rather surprising affair. Suprising in the sense that we were actually 200 miles away and 9000+ ft above our starting destination and surprising in the sense that though it was june 5th we were being snowed on. Christy was in fact the one charged with checking the weather and according to the google forecast Yosemite was supposed be sunny and 70 degrees. Either google was wrong, which is extremely unlikely, or Christie did a very bad job of checking, which is equally unlikely. What we didnt know at that point was this was only the begining to what would be acknowledged as the pigpen malediction, which basically brings bad weather and rain everywhere the unlikely contraption roams.
Although it is pretty much summer according to the calender the weather seems to disagree. It is extremely cold and since none of us was actually prepared for this eventuality nobody really brought any warm clothes. Fortunately, Jeremy was too lazy to stop and think about what to pack and had therefore brought most of the clothes in his possession, regardless of whether they were likely to ever be used. So we all borrow some of his clothes and we slowly prepare ourselves for a exciting summer adventure in the snow.
Yet in order to be a perfect adventurer, Triet-ly wants to an additional element in order to properly take on the elements. Though her newly cut mohawk was fashioned the day before departure, Jeremy takes his crappy razor and tries to improve Triet-ly haircut by drawing a ying-yang symbol on the two sides of her head. The result was better than expected but not quite wonderful. It doesn't matter though as we are all very excited about the upcoming adventure.
And so we all go for a long walk in the wilderness of the national park. We start walking down a very long path in order to explore what is considered to be the oldest sequoias in the USA. The landscape is extremely beautifull, and although the snow does not play in our favour for what regards the comfort of our journey, it definitely makes it more interesting. So we forget about how miserable we are and we courageously adventure ourselves into the forrest. Our main consolation is that since it is so fucking cold, most of the bears are likely to be hibernating and we are therefore not in danger of being attacked, at least not until the snow wont melt.

s the snow starts to melt, we focus on climbing on dead sequoias. Climbing is probably not the proper word, since horizontal climbing is inevitably more akin to walking than it is to climbing, but we nevertheless consider it as cool as some alternative sort of climbing. The challenge is ultimately in our minds. Indeed, we essentially walk over the dead bodies of fallen sequoias, while pretending this is as difficult as it would be to actually climb them vertically.
Yet, as we realize this is actually not the case, we decide to attempt to climb the so-called evil twin sequoias: two trees that started as a single tree but that slowly have grown out of each others forming some kind of evil looking tree which seemed at that time very exciting to climb, except for Christie who is too cautious to risk her life so such a mediocre level of adrenaline.
The excitment however only lasts a few minutes, as Jeremy get sstuck inbetween the two trees, thus preventing Lyyli from getting further up while simultaneously preventing Triet-ly to get down. With the ying-yang simbol of her head, Triet-ly cannot accept being stopped by this small inconvenience, so she decide to climb down the tree from the opposite side, although the other side does not have any convenient grip upon which she can rely in order to figure out her way down. This does not stop her from trying, and as a result of her over-confidence, perhaps due to the ying-yang symbol on her head, Triet-ly does not properly assess the danger and ultimately fell down the tree, thereby extensively straining her ankle.

As a consequence, while Jeremy and Triet-ly hang out in the sequoia park, Lyyli and Christie hike all the way back in order to find a ranger and report the accident. After a short period of research, they eventually run into the rangers. They tell them that Triet-ly is injured and they instruct them on where they can find her. The ranger who rescue Triet-ly is a very nice lady which is not really concerned about her ankle but rather about her haircut, which she really likes a lot.

We realize we have to take action in order to rescue Triet-ly, so we drive to the gas station down the mountain and wehang out there while we investigate where is the closest clinic around. Some girl from the gas station who claims to be a doctor offers to check upon jetli ankle. In the meanwhile, Jeremy talks with some guy who tellis him how he once tried to rescue his dog who was about to fall over into a big waterfall, but while he was trying to save it, the dog scratched him all over, so he eventually had to let go. After this meaningless, but nevertheless disturbing story, we therefore decide to go to Mamouth Lakes instead of Reno in order to find a clinic for Triet-ly.

We drive during the night, Triet-ly is asleep as a result of the overdose of pain killers that she has taken, while Jeremy, Christie and Lyyli hang out around the driver seat. This is when Jeremy and Lyyli realize they have not made any pact for this month yet, and Lyyli thus suggests to try out the yes-pact, according to which we are deemed to answer 'yes' to any question or suggestion that is being made to us. We ask Christie and Triet-ly whether tehy would like to join the pact as well, but they wisely refuse the offer.

We keep driving and we get through Death Valley. It is the middle of the night, but the mon is full, so we decide to try and drive without head-lights, using the shadow of the moon to see the street and the surrounding landscape. This is surprisingly easy to see after our eyes get used to the darkness, and this allow us to actually see the desert around us without being blinded by the light coming from the head-lights. A very beautiful scene which we believe most people have missed, as they have never been able to notice the beauty of their surroundings while they were driving along this road.

As we drive through Death Valley, we notice a series of tractors or bulldozers laying around. So after a short discussion about whether or not we should stop, the conclusion is inevitably 'yes'. We therofere stop in the middle of nowhere to check out the desert at night and in order to try and run the tractors and bulldozers with jeremy’s magic key, which supposedly should work on every heavy-work engine. This is obviously not the case, but we nevertheless enjoy ourselves climbing over the engines and exploring the desert in the darkness of the moonlight.

After the exploration is done, we go back into pigpen and keep driving. At some point, we realize that, although we did actually fill up the tank at the former gas station, pigpen is inevitably gonna run out of gas, probably as a result of the terrible milleage we get with this thing. So we keep driving until we completely run out of gas and we therefore stop on the border of the freeway in front of a random house, which was basically the only house that we could se for many miles around. So we park there, hoping that we could go and ask them for some gas or for a ride to the next gas station in the morning.

Once again, Triet-ly does not want to sleep on the bed of pigpen but she would rather sleep on the roof in order to admire the beautiful sky. She asks Jeremy whether he wanna sleep on the roof too, to which Jeremy necessarily has to say 'yes'. Then Jeremy asks Lyyli whether she would like to sleep on the roof as well, and obviously Lyyli says 'yes'. So we end up staying up all night, hanging out on the roof of pigpen, looking at the stars and the weird shaped clouds until the morning comes.

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