Wednesday, June 10, 2009

June 10

As we wake up in the morning, we stop at the bagel place next to where we parked the RV, a beautiful dog-loving place where we can use Internet for free provided that we bring our own laptops and that we buy something to eat or to drink. Surprisingly as it may sound, Lyyli does not even care about checking out the Internet. She is curious about what is going on under her band-aid, so she tries to remove it from her thumb, but as she does so, she rips of her woun again since the bandaid was pretty much glued to her delicate skin. Apparently, this seems to hurt her a lot, as she starts crying like an idiot because she's worry that her thumb is never gonna heal correctly and that she will eventually have to chop it off. Matt is very simpathetic and tries to take care of Lyyli as he goes and help her to put a new band-aid on her thumb with his secret nursing skills, while Lyyli keeps crying and crying and crying. It is unclear whether or not Jeremy was actually feeling guilty for having suggested to put the superglue on her thumb, but he suddently turns into an asshole and start shouting at Lyyli telling her that her stupid thumb is fine and that she's an idiot to be so worry about it and that she should just shut the fuck up instead of whining about nothing.. as a result of which, Lyyli starts crying even more.

After all the drama is (almost) over and all the Internet research has been (improperly) done, we are finally ready to go. We take pigpen and bring it to Randy’s, a mechanic shop that Jeremy has found on the Internet, with the goal to try and fix up pigpen, so that we can finally get back on the road. Pigpen makes it there at the pace of 1 mile / hour, at the excitement of everyone. Then, after talking with Randy and politely asking him the permission to use his premises without however paying for anything, Jeremy starts working on pigpen, desperately trying to figure out what the problem actually is. A few hours are spent watching Jeremy trying to understand what is wrong with pigpen, a process which as we all know is likely to last for a very long while. As more time passes, everyone is getting more and more bored, until we just cannot stand it anymore. So we all individually decide to leave Jeremy alone with pigpen and to go and entertain ourselves by some other means, instead. This is how we end up engaging into our favorite kind of activity and doing whatever we all love to do the most:

(a) Triet-ly, who is inherently is a dancer, walks across the street from Randy's, she starts doing her daily stretching and/or dancing exercises right next to the railroad. An apparently innocent activity, which however turns into another drama in that it necessarily comes to an end as soon as the firemen come in order to rescue her, as they have been incorrectly instructed of the fact that someone was hurt next to the train tracks.

(b) Christie who is a health-conscious person pretty concerned about her physical forms, although she's not so much into the same kind of exercises at Triet-ly, rapidly changes into her jogging outfit and goes running, wandering around the streets of Flagstaff in the attempt to recover her former physical health.

(c) Matt, who is usually not so much into sports, nonetheless decides to take on some form of exercising as well and goes for a walk with Tomatha, something that allows him to engage into his favorite kind of activity which consists of engaging into random discussions with the random people he encounters in the the street.

(d) Lyyli, who keeps worrying about her thumb but has eventually stopped crying, finally recovers her senses and realizes that it is about time to get onto the Internet. She manages to get access to Randy's wifi and after she rapidly checks her emails, she goes investigate the Internet in order to find out whether or not she actually is eligible for health insurance in the USA and whether the insurance she has would actually cover her medical expenses.

Lyyli then tries to convince Matt to come with her to the clinic in order to check whether her thumb is all right or if it will be necessary to cut it off. At the clinic, the doctor checks out her thumb and eventually affirms that the thumb is okay. He also confirms the fact that putting the superglue was obviously a super-bad idea and that she should have come to the clinic and get stiches instead.. but that it's too late now so all she can do is wait and see whether or not it's gonna heal. He tells her that she should not worry too much since the thumb is probably not infected and prescribe her some stupid pain killers that Lyyli is obviously never gonna take. Lyyli feels a bit better because she now is convinced that her thumb is not gonna fall off, but she's a bit pissed at the doctor because he didn't really gave her anything useful, except for a bunch of cheap alcoholic band-aids. Besides, the clinic is a private one and Lyyli's insurance doesnt cover the expenses so she has to pay by herself for this useless bit of information, but she doesnt mind because at least she knows that her thumb is not gonna rot or fall apart.

As everyone of us comes back to Randy's, we unfortunately find out that pigpen is still in a pretty critical state. Jeremy is however completely fed up with it and doesn't wanna work on pigpen anymore. So we decide to take a break and all go explore the city of Flagstaff together instead. We immediately got caught at some Mexican restaurant which maliciously attracted us with their advertisement for an happy hour with cheap $3 Margaritas, although we eventually ended up spending much more money on the food instead. Then once our bellies are full of greasy mexican food, we decide to take a walk in the city, with the ultimate intention to reach that particular Art museum that Triet-ly really wanted to see. We however soon realize that the museum is way too far from where we are, especially in view of the extremely slow speed at which we are all required to walk considering that Triet-ly ankle does not seem to have gotten any better and her walking skills were very debilitating.

At some point, Jeremy decides to go back to the RV because he starts feeling guilty of the fact that he is leaving it sick and alone while we are enjoying our time in the city. Lyyli, Christie, Triet-ly and Matt, instead, much less considerate for the feelings of pigpen, just keep on exploring the city on their own. They end up into this youth hostel that we had been walking by everyday so far, and decide to go and check it out in order to find out whether or not they would manage to shower there. They refuse us showers and they refuse to let us use the Internet, so we go into the backyard of the hostel and hang out there with some of the hostel staff which tell us about their life in Flagstaff and inform us about some cool things that are going on today, until Jeremy finally joins us there.

We decide to go to the $1 night drink into a bar and/club in downtown, which ends up being pretty lame and full of drunk college students. Jeremy is not in the mood for drinking because he is still pretty worry about little pigpen, so he goes back to the RV, leaving Lyyli, Christie, Matt and Triet-ly by themselves in this unfriendly environment. Triet-ly does not seem to mind and starts dancing herself out, until her ankle starts to hurt too much so she decides to go back to the RV. We let her go by herself, because we want to keep taking advantage of the $1 drinks. Probably a mistake from our part, but we didn't realize how bad her ankle was. So triet-ly heads back to the RV at an extremely slow pace, crawling down the streets with her bad feet in the air, a position which must have attracted the attention of certain people who called the police on her. So Triet-ly got involved with the cops for the second time that day, a new record which we were not so proud of.
In the meanwhile, Matt, Lyyli and Christie decide to leave this stupid bar/club and to go back to Mia's instead, eager to engage into a new adventure. A very cool band was playing live at Mia, but they were all way too exhausted to engage into any kind of dancing activity, so they eventually headed back to the RV in order to pass out asleep.

1 comment:

  1. I suppose I should of the times we were at Mia's Matt and drunk Triet-Ly decide to play some board games, specifically Jenga. Triet-Ly even puts a wager on the game. The loser has to bathe nude at the local river. Unknowing to Matt, Triet-Ly was going to do this anyway. Somehow Matt loses to drunk Triet-Ly in Jenga, ha!
