Wednesday, August 5, 2009

August 5

We wake up at 9 am, we eat brownies and breakfast with Pat and we finally depart for our daily journey to Toronto.

Pat tells us about how he is involved in an attempt to improve the city of Buffalo by gathering and organizing voluntary work from the community. He says he's working with some people from west Buffalo, a very poor black neighborhood with a lot of abandoned houses, and that he managed to get a lot of people involved in some restauration projects, but that the city refuse to let the work starts. He also tell us that he wants to turn the abandoned train station into a green house, yet the city refuse to give them permission to do so because they wanna keep the train station until someone is willing to pay a lot for it. He bring us to the abandoned train station and give us a small tour. The train station has been abandoned for over 30 years and is really huge and somewhat beautiful in its decadence.

We then go to meet his friend (Cousin Kelly) who is a sculptor that specialize in carving wood out of actual trees from the ground rather than mere pieces of wood. Cousin Kelly is a crazy half native american with a slight expression of schizofrenia who tell us all about his theory on how every 3600 years a comet hits the earth and new cycle starts. He mentions the fact that the piramides of ghisa were originally located at the equator so that there would be no shadow, and they have been subsequently moved. The difference in latitude from the equator was evidence that the whole earth had been tilted of its axis, and the only way this could have happened was if some huge object, such as a great comet, had came to hit the earth, burning off one side of the earth and throwing the gravitational mechanism off. By the same token, the view we have of the stars had been modified by that event, thus leading to the current misinterpretation of the constellations. Other major events such as the great floods were also caused by the great comet. Cousin Kelly explained us how lactose intollerance that first appeared in the human blood during the middle ages was created by the waters of the ocean invading the death sea. He concludes that our ancestors are alien rather than monkeys, because there are lots of descriptions in the petroglypths that describe the earth as being the 7th planet of the solar system, which only works if we look at the earth from the order direction, eg. if we count from Pluto. In spite of its obvious flaws, the story was very interesting for a little bit. Although Cousin Kelly wouldnt stop talking, we eventually managed to leave for Toronto.

Pat has been driving for 2 long hours, while Lyyli and Jeremy were sleeping most of the time. We arrive in Toronto and we park in front of the weed Park (the Park where people go to buy and smoke weed) after a cop from the parking enforcement told us that since our car has a USA license plate we should keep any ticket we get as a mere souvenir.

We walk around Kensington, get coffee, check out a bookstore and check out the weed-coffee shop where people can smoke their own weed although they cannot buy it.
Then we go to china town and buy a tons of cheap chinese pastries, as well as a disgusting dried bacon stick which mainly consists of fat.

We meet Pat's friend who taught english in Korea and Pat asks a Rasta in the street if he has any weed (or Ganja, as he called it). The Rasta says yea, but only because he called it Ganja and not weed. He says to meet him in the weed Park in 10 minutes. We go there and wait for him while eating the $1 rotten mangoes that Pat had previously bought in Chinatown.

Jeremy and Lyyli then decide to go to Younge street in order to get fake IDs. We walk there and after a bit of research, we found 3 shops selling 'souvenir IDs' as they call them. We decide on the shop which offers the most realistic IDs, with a transparent mark that lights up under the radar and a magnetic strip that can be read by the scanner. They also provide a fake university ID. Lyyli gets a Quebec ID and is henceforth to be known as Lyyli Allen.

We then go to the Marriott Hotel in order to rest or to sleep, but then we decide to get to the top of a tall building instead. As we try to infiltrate the building, Pat text us saying that he's at the University of Toronto where there is an event with free food and free beer, so we give up on the idea of escalating the building and we heard towards the university. The university is very beautiful, but as we reach the location we find out that the event is almost over and there is no more drink and no more food available, except for a bunch of cookies.

We meet up with Pat and we start walking towards the lake because we dont really know what else we could do. As we were walking by downtown, admiring the beautiful skyline of Toronto, we decide that it would be fun to try and infiltrate it the CN Tower, which is supposed to be the tallest structure in the world, or at least it used to be until the Burj Dubai surpassed it in 2007. First, we politely ask whether we could get to the top of the tower for free instead of the usual $23 per person. They politely tell us that it is not possible, so we ask whether, alternatively, it would be possible to get to the top for free by walking through the 1800 steps that the tower is mode of. They say that it is theoretically possible but that it is only allowed twice a year for some special occasions and that they colud not make an exception for us. Regardless of what they say, we decide to try and get there anyways. The main problem was that we could not identify where the stairs were, so we start exploring all over the tower in order to find a weak spot. The security is however very high and after all our investigation and infiltration skills, in the end we only manage to get past the metal detector, wich we would have passed anyways. At last, we realize that our only chance is to set up a fake reservation for the rotating restaurant at the top, so that we can get up and then leave without eating anything. We call in order to make a reservation under a fake identity, but unfortunately the restaurant was already all booked. We finally decide to acknowledge the fact that it might be time to give up our this mission.

We are all very disapointed, so we decide to infiltrate the baseball game instead. Indeed, while we were trying to get to the top of the CN tower, Pat's friend had gone to see the Yankees vs Buffalo baseball game, so we decide we could surprise him with our unexpected presence.
We tried to enter through many gates but all the time the little security guards would ask us for our tickets and then ask us to leave the premises. Finally we manage to get in as Jeremy runs through a closing door while the security guard was distracted.
We watch the game for a while, while we are eating the left overs from the chinese pastries that we had bought earlier. After a while, we decide to leave because the game was getting fucking boring to watch and no one cares about baseball anyways. On the way out, Pat asks at some burger stand whether they were gonna trash anything. They say yes, so Pat asks them whether they would give it to him. They say no, so Pat just takes some plate lying on the display which had 3 deliciously looking mini-burgers and starts running away. Some fat angry chinese girl employee however comes after him and get the plate back. Yet another big disapointment.

So we decide to get and get a drink before leaving back to Buffalo. We walk back towards Kensington where the car was parked and we stop into a bar with a very cool band playing. We get two $20 rounds of some very tasty beer which makes us kinda dizzy.

As we drive back towards Buffalo, we get stopped at the frontier where Jeremy finds out that he has an order of protection against him from someone that he doesnt even know of. The frontier officers finally decide to let him in anyways, although they take away the rotten mangoes from Pat.

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