Monday, August 3, 2009

August 3

We wake up at 1 pm and we eat breakfast till 3 pm. We start studying at the Moth and we eventually end up exploring the roof of the house which is a very nice place to hang out.

Around 7 pm, Janel and Dan come to see the Moth. Lyyli gives them a little tour of the house, and both Janel and Dan seem to be very impressed by the architectural style of the house.
Lyyli brings Janel and Dan to Amhearst because Janel wanted to check out what Lyyli had described as the best Korean restaurant of Buffalo, or maybe even of the whole United States of America. Jeremy decides to stay home, perhaps because he doesnt like korean food. In fact, the korean food was really authentic and delicious, just like a real korean restaurant. Lyyli and Janel decide to drink some soju in the name of the good old times in Korea and they try to introduce Dan to it, but Dan does not seem to appreciate soju as much as he should. We eat a lot but then we have to go back to the Hyatt because Janel had to submit some work before midnight. We decide to check out their gym, but then we realized that we were too full to exercise and the gym was pretty lame anyways. So we just hang out at the Hyatt for a while, mainly trying to set up an ad-hoc connection because Janel iPhone and her computer, but we miserably fail because AT&T had supposedly disabled this feature on the iPhone and Janel did not want to jailbreak her iPhone. So we eventually give up and we decide to go to Checkers for a $6 pint of beer. Janel and Dan do not seem to enjoy Chekers as much as Lyyli had expected, but we nevertheless hang out there for a while, enjoying our last evening together in spite of us being so fucking tired.

In the meanwhile, Jeremy was desperately trying to find Obama who had jumped out of the window of the RV. Finally, after hours of research, he finds out that our neighbors had taken her, and they give Jeremy a moral lesson about how the RV is a bad environment for a kitten.
Lyyli gets back to the Moth around 2 am and we go to sleep in a very wet pigpen because it had been raining a lot.

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